Visitor / user of the pages and services of this website (BookPraiser.Com) should read carefully the terms and conditions of service before visiting or using the web pages and services and in case of disagreement visitor / user must leave the site immediately. Otherwise presumed visitor accepts them and gives his consent.
The following terms of use apply to all content and what is included in the pages of our website. BookPraiser may at any time modify the terms and conditions, and users / visitors must check every time for any changes and if they continue to use they allegedly accept the modified terms and conditions. Otherwise, they should refrain from using / visiting our website. The information and material contained in this site is provided on the basis of ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ and without any warranty of any kind.
The license of this Site is personal and exclusive and governed by the terms of this website, which visitors are invited to read carefully and comply with them. Certainly the visitor’s stay in the pages of this website implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions. Some of the information on our website are provided by third parties. BookPraiser is not able to verify this information and does not guarantee the accuracy.No information that user obtains from BookPraiser and services, does not create any warranty or obligation of the Website Using BookPraiser and its content is solely the responsibility of the user. BookPraiser therefore is not liable for any delays, failures, interruptions or damage any data or information related to the website. The reference to third party sites does not imply endorsement and / or the acceptance of the views contained therein.
In any case the content of BookPraiser is not and cannot be, directly or indirectly, encouragement, instruction, advice or encouragement to any act or omission contrary at the discretion of the users / visitors to personally evaluate and act according to their own will.It is user’s personal choice which person / page to like , follow , visit. BookPraiser under no responsibility and disclaims any liability for any damage – but not limited to incidental, consequential loss etc. – or losses arising from the use, reference or reliance on information contained on this Web site. Also BookPraiser assumes no responsibility for damage derived from loss of data or profits arising out of or related to use of this website. BookPraiser strive for the smooth operation of this website. Nevertheless, BookPraiser cannot be liable if this website is unavailable for technical reasons. Also is not responsible for any loss of profit or business interruption work due to incapacity to connect to this website. The views expressed by users of the website BookPraiser are solely personal opinions of users / authors and do not reflect its views.
BookPraiser cannot control the availability, content, the protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of other web sites and pages referred through ‘links’, hyperlinks or advertising banners. Therefore, for any problem arising during the visit / use, the user must apply directly to the relevant web sites and pages, which bear the entire responsibility for the provision of their services. BookPraiser in no case should be considered to endorse or approve the content or services of the web sites and pages referred to or linked to them in any other way. BookPraiser has no responsibility for communicating the user / visitor with third party service providers advertised on BookPraiser for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between them.
BookPraiser though using protective mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks and actions is not possible because of the nature of the Internet to provide a 100% guaranteed and safe operating environment.
Visitors to the page will bear full responsibility for any damage will be caused to himself or to others using the Website. He is responsible for the use of appropriate security programs (Antivirus and Firewall) on the staff .
The visitor / user of our website should firstly comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications, and refrain from any illegal or unauthorized use of content and services our website. He must also behave decently and discreetly during his visit and use our website and expressly prohibited the adoption of anti-competitive practices or other practices contrary to the Code of Conduct. Any damage caused to our website or on the Internet generally arising from poor or improper use of the services by the user / visitor goes back to his sole responsibility. On our website may be carried into the wider Internet conversations with the terms dictated by the Code of Conduct. These talks should be governed by decorum and discretion and not affect or prejudice in any way the third person. The views expressed by users / visitors of this method in no way can be considered adopted by BookPraiser. Are solely personal opinions of users, the sole responsibility of those who have each time make.
Any breach of these terms gives BookPraiser the ability to exclude a user / visitor of this service. The user accepts the holding and processing of personal data, as stated by him for his participation in the various departments of our website. Furthermore, the site administrator will keep a record of the personal data of users – visitors, according to the terms and conditions of Law 2472/1997 as amended, for the privacy of data being compelled to comply with the provisions of Law 2225 / 1994 and PD 47/2005 to downgrade it to any judicial authority, for reasons of national security or for the detection of particularly serious offenses. The information is not disclosed to third parties (except as provided by law and only to the competent authorities), but preserved their personal character. BookPraiser keeps records data for communication, statistics and improvement of the services provided. In each case, the user / visitor of our site may, after having contacted the department and determine the existence of a personal file to request the deletion, correction or change.
The user expressly agrees that exclusive jurisdiction and jurisdiction for any dispute arising with BookPraiser, have the courts of Athens. These terms of use are governed by Greek law. If any of these conditions proved invalid, this shall not affect the validity and power of the remaining terms which shall remain in full force. The use of this website, services and content are subject to the above conditions of use. If the user – visitor considers these conditions unacceptable, please do not use the site.
GDPR Update: Please check our updated Privacy Policy.
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GDPR Update: Please check our updated Cookie Policy.
Spam is a common slang term and refers to sending unsolicited e-mail, instant messaging, or other communication with a large group of people simultaneously.Variations of this practice include off topic (and usually promotional) messages on bulletin boards, guestbooks, Usenet newsgroups, or chat rooms. The use of the method spam is strictly against the User Conditions, and will result in immediate deactivation of user account that has been found to have used this method.
Buyers can request a full refund within 96 (ninety-six) hours of purchase (Non Questions Asked). After this period of time refunds will be issued after case investigation.
– All logos and trademarks on the site are property of there respective owners.
– BookPraiser is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by any site presented on this site
– BookPraiser is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (“BookPraiser.com” (amazon.com, or endless.com, MYHABIT.com, SmallParts.com, or AmazonWireless.com).
– User must always check product’s price before pressing the “Buy Now” button. Prices change fast and user must be aware to always check the price.
The user and visitor of BookPraiser fully accepts the Terms Of Services and Cookie Policy.
Last Updated 01/08/2018