Nine Day Novel Outlining by Steve Windsor
Outlining your novel doesn’t have to be hard. I wrote these Nine Day Novel books after I realized how difficult it was for new fiction authors to plot, write, edit and publish their first novel
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Outlining your novel doesn’t have to be hard. But when was the last time you sat down to write with the confidence and true belief that you knew exactly what story you were going to tell?
Outlining a novel? Where do you start? If you’re like I was, you started writing your first novel without outlining it first – no idea where your story was headed. Believe me, two novels and almost 500,000 words into that “process” I had to stop and re-evaluate my strategy. Now, before I commit the time and energy to pen a 90,000 word novel, I make a map.
Being a committed newbie author isn’t easy. Some scoffed at me when I said you can write a novel in nine days. Then I sat down and did it… 4 times. Now, literally thousands have read my book on writing, describing how to carve out time and write faster by using story structure, and the second book on how to streamline the fiction editing process with Scrivener.