Encounters With The Celestials by M.G. Hawking
ranscribed directly from the archived field notes and journals of explorer M.G. Hawking’s five years in Nepal and Tibet, this remarkable book contains detailed descriptions of three encounters Hawking and his companions experienced with the fabled “celestial mountain goddesses” of Himalayan legend.
Publisher Description
Explore the Realities of a Compelling Ancient Legend.
The creation stories and wisdom traditions of civilizations worldwide relate that their progenitors came from the stars, the sky, or the heavens. Native Americans recount that their antecedents were “The Sky People” and “Star Beings.”
The builders of Teotihuacan describe their gods as having descended from the heavens. Egyptian texts speak of their “bringers of knowledge” coming from Sahu and Sopdit (Orion and Sirius) in a “cosmic egg” radiating colored light. The pre-Tibetan Zhang Zhung, the Maya, the pre-Incans, the Sumerians, and so many others, all express essentially the same account in diverse symbolic languages—their ancestors came from the stars, bringing advanced knowledge and the gift of civilization.
These cultures were greatly separated both geographically and chronologically, yet their creation stories are strikingly similar. What could explain this?